=== Plugin Name === Contributors: highwind81 Donate link: http://timothylive.net Tags: hangul, korean, ime, javascript Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 2.3 Stable tag: 0.1 JavaScript plugin to enable typing Korean characters without the help of external input method editor. == Installation == 1. copy the "hangul-ime" directory and its files to your wordpress plugins directory. i.e. http://yoursite/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/hangul-ime 2. in the admin page goto plugins section and enable "Hangul IME" plugin! 3. Done. == Usage == Shift+space (ms windows) or Alt+space (x windows) to toggle between english and 2bul-hangul. Ctrl+space to toggle between english and 3bul-hangul. The IME status text has id parameter of "hangul_ime". Modify your .css file to change its look. i.e. to hide the IME status in your style.css add the following #hangul_ime { display: none; } == Frequently Asked Questions == Q. I'm pressing Shift+space but nothing's happening. A. This plugin will not work if there are other JavaScript listening for key stokes. == Credit == Although the plugin is written by me most of the credit should go to Ho-Seok Ee (aka ALee) from KLDP. For more information about the javascript that made this possible please visit http://kldp.org/node/71983 This Wordpress Plugin was written by Timothy Kim. Please visit my blog at http://www.timothylive.net